Knowledge and Experience. When You Need it Most.

Consult with Experienced Fraud Lawyers for Southern Ontario

Fraud has always been a problem and remains so today. Whether it’s an investment scheme or identity theft, fraudsters are always looking for ways to deprive others. In general terms, fraud involves the willful act or intentional misrepresentation of one person to deprive another of their money, property or legal right.

Seniors are a common target of fraud but anyone can become a victim. At Donnell Law Group, our civil litigation lawyers have experience in cases involving fraud and possess the ability to navigate through these often complex cases. If you believe that you are an innocent victim of fraud, contact us today.

*Our lawyers would be happy to provide a general overview of your rights.

If you:

  • are seeking a second opinion;
  • have an ongoing court proceeding;
  • are requesting a review of documents;
  • have a request that goes beyond a general overview of your rights;

Kindly contact our office to book your consultation.

We are confident that we have what it takes to give you the peace of mind you need during this very sensitive time. Whatever circumstances your family is facing right now, we are here to help you through the process. Call us today for an initial consultation.

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